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Entryway modern chandelier

As with other rooms, there are two main types of chandeliers for hallways: pendant and ceiling. Each of them has its pros and cons.

Pendant chandeliers

Hanging chandelier in the hallway is an ageless classic. Such a product is a lamp familiar to everyone, in which the light sources are located at a distance from the ceiling - they are suspended on a “leg”, a chain or just a wire. Thanks to this design, the lamps are lower, which means they can more effectively illuminate the lower part of the room. This advantage is used by designers in those hallways where there are defects in the ceiling - less light enters it, and the flaws will not be so noticeable.

  • Due to the design, pendant lamps are quite large. Therefore, which chandelier to choose for the hallway depends on its area. In small rooms, such products will look bad, and can also catch on clothes when changing clothes. Accordingly, the best solution for a small hallway will not be pendant, but ceiling lights. In large hallways, hanging products look great and give a lot of light.

Entryway modern chandelier

Ceiling chandeliers

Ceiling lamps differ from pendant ones in that they do not have space between the light sources and the ceiling plane - they are attached directly to it. Because of this, the bulbs are located higher, and give not directional, but diffused light over the entire area. They are suitable for basic lighting, but you will also need additional light for a mirror or cabinet.

  • If you have a small hallway, then the answer to the question of which chandelier to choose is obvious - ceiling lighting. Such products have modest dimensions, look stylish and give enough light to illuminate the room. With low ceilings, this is the only possible option due to their length, will prevent people from changing clothes or even moving around.
  • If chandeliers are chosen for a large hallway, but with low ceilings, then you can use several pendant lamps installed in a row - this way there will be enough light throughout the entire area of ​​the room, and there will be no inconvenience associated with hanging products.

Entryway modern chandelier

Popular entryway chandelier colors

Before finally choosing a chandelier for the hallway, it remains only to determine its color. As in the case of style, the color should match the chosen design of the room. Today, these colors of chandeliers are popular.

White chandeliers for the hallway

Entryway modern chandelier

White is the most versatile color, so it suits both modern styles and classic ones. For this reason, the choice of a white chandelier will be the most reasonable for those who are not yet fully confident in the design of the room. White chandelier goes with anything!

Black chandeliers for the hallway

Entryway modern chandelier

Black color for chandeliers is rare, difficult to combine with the interior, but no less popular. A lamp with a black lampshade will not be easy to “fit” into the interior of the hallway, so it is recommended to choose such chandeliers only if you are 100% sure that the selected hallway design project is “workable”. The disadvantage of this color is that it makes the room darker and smaller, so it should only be used in large hallways.

Gold and bronze chandeliers for the hallway

Entryway modern chandelier

Classic chandeliers are often made in bronze or gold, as this is required by the canons of style. Today you can buy both real bronze and gilded chandeliers, and their imitation. The paint for such solutions is made very high quality, so only an expert can determine the authenticity “by eye”.

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