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Chandeliers: is it better higher than lower?

In fact, the whole variety of chandeliers can be divided into two large groups – suspended and ceiling chandeliers. The latter are attached directly to the ceiling and are more suitable for rooms with low ceilings. In general, for rooms with low ceilings, you need to carefully select a lighting device so as not to inadvertently make the space even smaller.

Naturally, suspended, low–hanging chandelier models are categorically excluded - in combination with a low ceiling, they are detrimental to the interior. It is best to choose a ceiling lamp model with light directed upwards – domed, lamps with horns, chandeliers-plates and so on. The downward beam of light visually reduces the already low height of the room, but the streams of light hitting the ceiling visually increase the space.

Chandeliers: is it better higher than lower?

In the “low” cases, sometimes it makes sense to abandon the chandelier altogether, replacing it with several wall sconces or spotlights.

Also, chandeliers of dark or very bright shades do not look very good in small low rooms. It is better to give preference to lamps in white, yellow, beige and pastel shades. There is also such a proven rule: the brighter the light, the higher the ceiling. In practice, this means that you need to pay attention to the number of bulbs in the chandelier and their power.

Chandeliers: is it better higher than lower?

In rooms that possible to boast of their size and ceiling height, hanging chandeliers look great. If the room is very spacious, one chandelier, most likely, will not be enough, it will need either sconces with table lamps, or several more chandeliers made in the same design key.

A chandelier is one of those wonderful interior items that allow you to perform a miracle when the soul requires changes, but there is no time and effort for global changes. It is only necessary to place an original chandelier under the ceiling, and the room becomes different – with a new atmosphere and a new mood!

Chandeliers: is it better higher than lower?
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